What is Fair Play in Football?

Fair play is a popular term in sports, especially football. Although everyone is familiar with this term, not everyone clearly understands its meaning and role in football. In this article, 50JILI will teach us about the concept of fair play and its importance.

What is fair play?

Fair play is an important concept, referring to fair, fair, and civilized play; this is the good sportsmanship of athletes. In soccer, fair play is a mandatory requirement for players. If a player intends to commit a foul or play badly against an opponent, they will be punished according to the rules of fair play.

On the contrary, fair play actions will be honored by opponents, fans and everyone. Although there is no material reward, they receive recognition from everyone, which is a pure gift. God is significant.

Origin of Fair Play Law

This term has existed for a long time, but before that, this spirit had not been expressly regulated. Players are not bound to comply with specific regulations, so fouls still occur frequently.

To solve this problem, FIFA – the World Football Federation – has launched the Fair Play Law, which was first implemented at the 2018 World Cup, with the following regulations:

Each yellow card will deduct 1 point from the player.

For each indirect red card (2 yellow cards), the player will have 3 points deducted.

For each direct red card, a player will have 4 points deducted.

If a player receives 1 yellow card and 1 direct red card, the player will have 5 points deducted.

FIFA’s introduction of the Fair Play Rule has helped reduce fouls in matches significantly, the number of yellow cards given out by referees has decreased significantly, and therefore, they have decided to apply this rule to all players. Football tournaments around the world.

The Importance of Fair Play

That factor helps improve the players’ spirit of fair play. Players who follow this principle contribute to building a beautiful sport. Fair play not only exists on the field but also brings peace and improves life.

Any match that lacks fairness, is full of violence, and is not well received by the audience will undoubtedly be a failure; there is no need to discuss. A player committing an intentional foul, intentionally destroying an opponent or not following the principles of fair play will have a significant impact on this sport.

Fair play score is not just a metric on paper; many tournaments have used it as a standard to rank teams. Before the fair play law, FIFA had many different methods to determine team rankings, such as drawing lots, calculating average goals, play-off matches, and even blindfolding a boy to choose. the winning team. However, thanks to this law, those methods are no longer necessary.

Outstanding Fair Play Situations

Fair play is the top principle that a football player or any athlete should adhere to. Historically, football also has many outstanding fair play situations, below are some typical ones:

Player Miroslav Klose showed the spirit of fair play in the match against Arminia Bielefeld when he asked the referee to cancel the penalty because he believed there was no foul. His German team then won 3-0.

In another match, Klose denied a goal he scored against Napoli after realizing his hand had touched the ball. This action was honored and his goal was not recognized.

Paolo Di Canio, while playing for West Ham, gave up a chance to score when he realized the opposing goalkeeper needed medical help. This action earned him a fair play award from FIFA.

Liverpool’s Robbie Fowler intentionally missed a penalty in a match against Arsenal in 1997 because he thought he had not been fouled. His actions were honored by UEFA.

Such situations are a testament to the spirit of fair play in football, contributing to making this sport beautiful and honorable.

Above is a 50jil article with full information about the question “What is fair play in football?”. Wishing you all exciting moments while enjoying top matches.

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